I grew up in a family, as many do, where the women cook, sew and create art in traditional ways. Skills in Crochet and Lace was handed down in my family. It skipped me. Or should I say I skipped it. Sadly lace making is a time consuming task that I didn't take to. Ask my mother and she will say it was too quiet and still for me. Mother's know best. It was.
I took to metal work, glass blowing, and enameling. While my female family, mom, grandmother, aunt and cousins knitted, crocheted and weaved lace I was hammering metal. Fired up a kiln, picked up a torch hmmm starting to see a fire theme here.
These pendants are my lace making, an ode to those quiet artists everywhere that make stunning pieces that we use in our everyday life.
Look at me mom!!! I'm making Lace !