Monday, March 23, 2009

Lorena Angulo Cruz Flor

Originally uploaded by lorenaangulo

Lorena Angulo makes art in the form of jewelry. Amazing detailed work. It's a shame that her website does not link to a site that sells her work. YEAH! her Etsy site has some pieces in it.

The posts below show some of her work but to see much more check out her Flicker account . It has stunning photos of her silver and bronze work. If you are a fan of jewelry you will love it. Warning:It will make you want to see more and buy a piece or two or three.....

Nicho Virgen Guadalupe

Nicho Virgen Guadalupe
Originally uploaded by lorenaangulo


Originally uploaded by lorenaangulo

Arbol de Vida (Tree of Life)

Milagro Hands

Milagro Hands
Originally uploaded by lorenaangulo

How old is it????

Ebay, Etsy, Go antiques, Tias, Ruby Lane all these sites have one thing in common. They have sellers that deal in other than brand new items. With online sales of vintage items questions come up about exactly how old is something. What does vintage mean or for that matter Antique?

  • Antique - over 100 years old

  • Vintage - technique it is not a specific amount of time. Just years gone by eg. vintage 1954, vintage 1986, vintage 1994. Online however it usually means 20+ years old. Many sites use 25+years old

  • Collectible - Has nothing to do with age. It just means that it is collected by a selection of people or groups. eg. coins, dolls, barbies, plates etc.

  • Estate - also has nothing to do with age. It has to do with worth. Whether the item is 5 year old or 120 years old, the word estate is conveying it is a luxury item. Eg. Estate Jewelry, Estate records In some cases the worth is because it belonged to someone famous.

  • Circa- Dating to an era. Circa 1950, circa 1870

Does this help value your item? Sometimes. The truth is a value of an item has less to to with age and more to do with quality, rarity and demand. These definitions give the item providence. Giving the item a story helps make the inanimate personal.

Saturday, March 21, 2009 is announcing their next sneak attack. Monday, March 23 at 7pm. What is a sneak attack? It is a chance to make someone happy and buy a cool handmade item or a few items. Basically a shop on Etsy is picked that has either no sales yet or only few sales. When announced sneak attackers go and buy items they are interested in. All at once a shop goes from 0 sales to...? as many sneak attackers that participate.

Are you interested in being a sneak attacker? See who is chosen. They choose a new Etsy seller 3 days a week.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ferris wheel

Sushipot on etsy makes wonderful pendants. I bought one not long ago for a friend. I especially like like The Ferris Wheel.
Sushipot uses ephemera to make pendant. Yes there are other things on SP etsy site, but I'm a jewelry nut so all else is lost on me. What do I love best about sushipots pieces? They are the kind of pieces that children hide in treasure boxes. The kind of that holds a hidden meaning or special memory for their owner. As a book lover there is a special attraction to these bits of images preserved.
Just in case you were wondering-
Ephemera according to Wiki is "printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved. The word derives from the Greek, meaning things lasting no more than a day"
Not in this case.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A new blog.

I started my blog, Bliss Street Jewelry, over a year ago then promptly forgot the user name. There has been so many changes over the year that a new blog was due. On the right is my new makers mark. It was designed my asterisk on etsy. I wanted a mark to stamp on my jewelry pieces. She did a wonderful job.

The blog will include news on jewelry, artist and of course what is going on with Bliss Street Jewelry. Who am I kidding it will include anything cool.